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Citizenship Right under the Constitution of India


What are Citizenship Rights:

“Citizenship Rights” which is the most important issue of contemporary rights and is a newly emerged concept and subject that especially considers the priority of justice and has found a special place in social and political theories. Citizenship rights argue about rights that every citizen has, including residence, education, hygiene, and extends to just trial rights. Citizenship rights also include all civil and political rights.

Human rights are the controller of human’s natural rights and are inevitable, and guarantee of this donation for safeguarding the basic freedom of human beings is very important. Islam also as an extended religion has considered different dimensions of human life and has stipulated, and has comments about the value of their lives and their equity without considering their race, skin color. Human rights and citizenship right was declared on August 26, 1769, by the revolution of France that is specified by individualism and constitution laws of countries, and does not separate human rights from citizenship and both of them are applied as synonyms.

Definition Of Citizenship Rights:

For citizenship rights, different definitions have been presented. One of them defines citizenship rights as: “A set of freedoms that people of a society enjoy them that is called individual rights and freedoms, public rights, rights of citizens, human rights and citizenship rights idiomatically".

Nature Of Citizenship Rights:

Though citizenship is also applied as a synonym of “citizen” but is different from “citizen”, because citizenship is specified for true persons and legal entities, and such a right is not conceived. The word citizen has a social and legal weight, it means that the content of the word citizen on one side refers to the manner of human interaction in the society, and on the other side these rights are meant besides other rights and are held as a set of rights, tasks, and liabilities of each person because one reason for defining of citizen is enacting the citizenship rights and preserving the freedom of each resident individual of the society as that does not impact freedoms of others that this matter needs enacting tasks and liabilities besides each right the same as citizenship rights.

Citizenship rights or public and citizenship freedoms are a set of civil, political, social, and economic rights that a person as a citizen of state or country enjoys their rights freely.

Citizenship rights refer to rights that each person as a citizen of the state enjoys, including proper residence, reasonable education and training, and the right of participating in political and managerial structures. Realization of the fundamental idea of citizenship rights and also activating of citizens, owning the right of determining the destiny by people that is the most fundamental right in domain of civil rights and political rights and the right of vote and being elected are prominent samples of the right of determining self-destiny.

Whereas all human beings are equal in humanity, morally it will not be acceptable that people let themselves rule others. Citizenship rights limit humans' freedom without their election and their satisfaction.

Divisions of Individual Rights in Citizenship Rights:

A: Political Rights:

The political right is an authority that a person has for participating in public powers which means (legislation power, executive power, or state) and governmental organizations the same as the right of vote and right of being elected in citizenship (nationality).

B: Public Rights:

Public rights are related to the personality of human beings and include the relation of state and people the same as the right of life, freedom of expression the title of the third chapter of Iran’s constitution about “rights of the nation” includes these categories of rights.

C: Private Rights:

Private rights are authorities that each person has vis-à-vis others the same as the right of ownership, paternal right, right of witness, and right of benefiting. First two groups of above-mentioned rights are rights that relate to respect and personality of human being and have been subgroup of values that abound and some of them has been globalized.

Modern Citizenship Rights:

The method of performance and current regulation is included in most countries including the Islamic Republic of Iran, we can understand that reaching stable development, needs to achieve the concept of task or duty beside determined rights for citizens that account as “modern theory of citizenship” along with stable urban and local development. Modern citizenship rights have two prominent specifications that separate them from other concepts:

First, modern citizenship right is separate from human rights, then its concepts, goals, and foundations should be investigated separately and its performances also will be different.

Second, modern citizenship rights include relations of citizens with each other and with governmental organization and so that, it should be considered as a special comment of the common concept of “citizenship rights”.


If people of society go toward goodness and friendship and choose morals as the title of all their life, the need for a law will be decreased, but in fact, over time morals becomes colorless, society becomes violent and the presence of law becomes more strong. Therefore, some rules are needed that their implementation should be mandatory and governing force should be determined for implementing them. Also, the goal of citizenship rights and citizenship is reaching two purposes of social order and justice.


Citizenship rights of Constitution of India.




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